Hello Writers -
Lately I've been asking myself the question, "Why write?" "What does it do for ME as a person? As a human being?" "What does my writing 'do' for/to others?" (I know. That was more than one question. My questions always come in threes...) As I think about these questions, I notice that I'm feeling about these questions more than thinking. My emotions undestand the importance of writing. Since we began this exploration into writing short fiction, I have noticed it in you too. You are seeming more confident and introspective (thoughtful about yourself). I've noticed shifts and movements in you. So. I want to ask you this question - What does writing DO for you?

Here's a favorite quote of mine by Anne Lamott from her book Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life:

"We write to expose the unexposed. If there is one door in the castle you have been told not to go through, you must. The writer's job is to turn the unspeakable into words - not just into any words, but if we can, into rhythm and blues."

I have been feeling badly lately about how little I write. My journal gets an entry every few days, but I haven't written a short story in a long, long time. I want to write a story that is more than words...more than music even. Writing something good gives me such a sense to accomplishment. It causes me to look at the world more deeply. It helps me see myself more clearly. What about you? What is writing doing for you?

3/29/2011 11:51:58 pm

Writing makes me feel gnarly. I can express myself and stuff.Writing is doing lots o stuff for me like I'm feeling better about writing from dialouge to some action and stuff. Writing is totally tubular.

Alex Gilgore
3/29/2011 11:52:23 pm

what writing does for me is, it lets me escape. i catch myself crying, laughing, being angry, and just jumping out of my seat in excitement due to writing. But with my writing, i just explode on the page and like the saying goes, "dance like no ones watching". theres no end, no critics, and no jugments, just an emotion sponge, waiting to soak and clean everything. that is what writing does for me.

3/29/2011 11:56:00 pm

I like to write things that are original.I'm tired of all these authors that write stories about the same thing. There must be fifty seperate series that have to do with ancient powers that a bunch of teenagers posses, or vampires. That is why I'm killing my main character, for originality.

3/29/2011 11:58:35 pm

Writing helps me express myself in a different way. My story seems like it is talking to me but later into the future… Writing has also helped me become a better reader because it has help me look at different writings in different ways…As a writer I have been getting better/stronger…I know how to make the reader think but not too hard, I know how to pull the reader back in. All around I am getting better because I am able to get deeper into the story… And get lost will words directing my way back to life…This is how I feel as a writer and a reader

3/30/2011 12:01:38 am

Writing makes me think how am I going to express simple ordinary things in the most extrordinary ways. It forces me to acknowledge what I don't like about myself that I previously didn't want to admit before. It makes me try to connect people on the simple fact that we are all human. And that makes me feel awesome. Peace

3/30/2011 12:02:24 am

I write because it is a way to experience what is impossible. Writing is like having a whole world at your command.

Writing is making me a more interesting person. It also helps me learn about new things, ask myself big questions, and find new perspectives on life. Lastly, Its helping me think about how the reader would feel about it, what they would think when they read my words. That is what writing is doing for me.

3/30/2011 09:50:49 am

For me, writing opens up a whole other world. I create what is in that world, so it can be and is the perfect place to write about. Also, when I'm in this world, I can Imagine up anything I want and no one will tell me what is and isn't real. It gives me a chance to live inside of a fairytale instead of being outside and knowing you'll never go there.
The more I write, the more I am able to find an opportunity to write. It opens up so many new ideas. even when I'm walking home from school I've begun to think up sentences from things I see around me. I learn from my own writing as well as other writing and my environment. I'm almost confident enough to say that I've learned more about writing from reading than any teacher. If you read enough, you'll start to see patterns in the writing and different ways to write stories. Reeeaad...

3/30/2011 09:52:45 am

I kinda got carried away on that last comment there. I just kinda kept typing and now I feel very wordy. Oops! :)

3/30/2011 09:56:59 am

Liam, I like your idea about killing the main character. I thought about this idea the whole time I was reading the Harry Potter series. I like the idea cuz no one EVER uses it!!

3/31/2011 12:03:15 am

Writing makes me feel like I have super powers. I can be all, "Hey, I'm gonna kill that dude, make a piece of toast fly, a normal person become a psycho killer out of nowhere, and make dinosaurs exist again!" It's pretty awesome, 'cause anything is possible when you write. You paint whole new worlds with words of black and white.
Also, I just like killing things without consequence :D

brianna whedbee
3/31/2011 12:09:18 am

writing for me helps me express stories but in a creative way, instead of talking im enjoyinq writing. i dont know how to explain it. its hard. im starting to love writing lols Hand Rubbbb

3/31/2011 12:18:12 am

what writing does foe me is it makes me live out my feelings adn fell ALIVE. also wh yi write is because its fun and i like to write just the dummest things that have no reason or meaning

3/31/2011 01:06:34 am

When I wright, it entertains me when I'm bored, it makes me happy when I'm sad. Writing just makes me feel better.

Mrs. Donnelly
3/31/2011 04:36:16 am

What amazes me is how you are all using writing to LEARN! Just read your comments and you can see how much you are all learning....about yourselves, about how to write, about what good writers do and how writing and reading are connected. I love to write, but do not do it nearly enough. You are inspiring me to make more time. Thank you!

3/31/2011 06:21:21 am

Ahhh!!! Ms. Pfautz my story still isn't up! Did I upload any other files of it?

3/31/2011 09:24:02 am

writing lets me escape the world for awhile i anjoy it and just get carried away with it. its almost as if it is the wind and i just get blown away. can not wat to finish stories!!! =)

3/31/2011 09:50:55 am

I have two questions....
1) When r u gonna update our stories mrs.pfautz?
2)are we gonna have an extra day to write?

3/31/2011 11:54:16 pm

waht writting does 4 is it takes me to a new world. it xcapes me from the reel world

3/31/2011 11:58:09 pm

well writing has really helped me express all my feelings through writing, in such creative ways and i love it!

4/1/2011 12:02:35 am

writing helps me express my fellings and helps me put my stories on paper.

*kiona baby*
4/1/2011 12:02:51 am

what writing has done for me is that when i write i feel like that i am in a whole different world. its only me and my writing in the world. writing escapes me from the real world. when i write the whole story is based upon how i feel. if i change feelings and my story is not working with my feelings i will erase and start the whole story over again.

4/1/2011 12:20:34 am

When i write it entertaines me and it let me be in my own imagintive world.

4/1/2011 12:20:47 am

What writing has done for me is alot. It has made me a better reader because it lets me see text in a different way like the way i write. I makes me a better writer by writing to because everytime i write i feel like i learn more and get better.
signed, quantaishia

Isaiah Stewart
4/1/2011 12:23:29 am

Writing is the G est thing for me cause it lets me express myself when I'm all depressed so that's cool. Peace

4/1/2011 12:26:33 am

I Thinkk That Myy Writinqq Is Okayy Cuz I'm Just Learninqq How Tuu Write Widd Gudd && Flowwinqq Description's. && A lot Of the Time Wenn I Mess Upp I Gett Stuckk && Don't Feel Like Writinqq anymore..... I'm not Really Sure Whyy But I Just Feel Stuckk && That My Sstory Is Goinqq Tuu turnn out Bhadd. && Writinqq Hass Made me Want Tuu Write All The Time && Make My Stories interestinqq && Funn.!) Tuu Readd

4/3/2011 11:29:19 am

ms. pfautz i found my writing finally and it wasnt as much as i thought it was i need a few more days because of that inconvenience and i didn't tell you that i wasnt going to be finished with my short story by the deadline. i have worked on it over this weekend so im almost done but im sorry that im running it in late to you!!! im not finished with it yet but i think its worth the wait...


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